Unlock 10 innovative and unconventional out-of-the-box recruiting strategies to achieve hiring success in your organization. Upgrade your talent Now!


As a hiring manager, you know the challenges of finding and attracting top talent in a competitive market. The standard approaches to recruiting and hiring often yield lackluster results and leave key roles unfilled for too long.

To build an all-star team, you need to think outside the box. Creative, unconventional strategies can uncover hidden talent pools and yield candidates with the skills, experience, and motivation to drive your business forward.

In this article, we will explore 10 out of the box recruiting strategies that leading companies are using to gain a recruiting edge and ensure hiring success. With an open mind and a willingness to innovate, you have the opportunity to strengthen your team in impactful ways. The rewards of the road less traveled can be great. Are you ready to take the path to next-level recruiting?

Table of Contents

What Are Out of the Box Recruiting Strategies?

Out of the box recruiting strategies are creative, innovative techniques that think beyond traditional recruiting methods like posting jobs on large job boards or using recruitment agencies. These unconventional strategies aim to tap into new talent pools and reach candidates that you may miss with typical approaches.

Some examples of out of the box recruiting strategies include:

  • Employee referral programs: Offering incentives for your top employees to refer strong candidates from their networks. This can be an excellent source of hires since your employees know the skills and culture needed to succeed in your organization.
  • Campus recruiting: Partnering with local colleges and universities to source recent or upcoming graduates. This is a way to get in front of high-potential talent early in their careers. You can host on-campus info sessions, participate in career fairs, or offer internships.
  • Professional association networking: Connecting with relevant trade groups or non-profits in your industry. Attend their events to network, participate in their job boards, or explore sponsorship opportunities to increase your visibility to active members.
  • Social media recruiting: Leveraging platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to promote your employer brand and job openings to a wide range of candidates. You can also search profiles on these networks and reach out to potential applicants directly.
  • Diversity-focused partnerships: Collaborating with organizations that promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Partner to access their talent communities and position your company as an attractive, equal opportunity employer.

Using a mix of conventional and unconventional recruiting techniques will help you connect with the most qualified candidates for your roles. Stepping out of the box and trying new strategies can open you up to new talent pools and a fresh perspective on recruiting.

Utilize Social Media Platforms for Recruiting

Utilizing social media platforms is an innovative way to reach qualified candidates. Social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter provide access to vast networks of potential applicants.

  • LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the top professional network, with over 722 million members. Posting job openings on your company's LinkedIn page and employee profiles exposes opportunities to this huge pool of talent. Engage with relevant industry groups and post in their discussion forums. Many job seekers use LinkedIn's job search features, so be sure your openings are listed.

  • Facebook

Facebook's 2.9 billion monthly active users span all demographics. While less professional than LinkedIn, Facebook allows you to promote jobs to targeted local audiences. Create Facebook ads for your positions and boost posts about openings on your company's Facebook page. Engage with relevant Facebook groups and build your followers.

  • Twitter

Twitter has 330 million monthly active users. Tweeting about new job openings and promoting your employee value proposition helps raise awareness of your hiring needs. Follow industry leaders and engage with them. Build your followers by following potential applicants, industry groups, and thought leaders.

Using social platforms expands your reach, exposes your brand to more candidates, and allows you to build relationships and engage with potential applicants. An active social media presence shows your company is modern and connects you with qualified candidates, leading to a successful hire. Leveraging these networks is a smart, cost-effective recruiting strategy that yields real results.

Host Recruiting Events to Engage Candidates

Hosting recruiting events is an innovative way to actively engage top candidates. By inviting promising applicants to an in-person event, you can make meaningful connections that lead to successful hires.

  • Open House

An open house event allows candidates to tour your office, interact with team members, and get a sense of your company culture. This behind-the-scenes look helps applicants determine if the role and environment are the right fit. For recruiting, open houses cast a wide net to attract diverse, qualified candidates.

  • Panel Discussions

A panel discussion featuring company executives provides insight into your mission and values. Candidates can ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of the work environment and growth opportunities. Panelists, in turn, have a chance to evaluate candidates based on the quality and relevance of their questions.

  • Networking Mixers

More casual networking mixers encourage relationship building in a low-pressure setting. Candidates and company representatives can mingle, exchange ideas, and look for shared interests or connections. The conversational nature of a mixer allows both parties to authentically assess fit and the potential for an ongoing partnership.

  • Interview Workshops

For hiring, interview workshops are an innovative way to evaluate candidates in a group setting. Led by your recruiters, workshops simulate the interview process for a specific role. Not only can you assess each candidate’s experience, skills, and how they think on their feet, but you also gain insight into how candidates interact with and support each other. Collaborative, team-oriented applicants may stand out in this format.

In summary, recruiting events are an opportunity to engage high-quality candidates in meaningful ways. By inviting promising applicants into your space, you gain valuable insight to make the best hires for your organization. The interactive nature of events builds connections that traditional interviewing alone may miss. Outside-the-box strategies lead to hiring success.

Leverage Employee Referrals and Rewards

Getting recommendations from employees is one of the best ways to find new people for a job. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, employee referrals make up a large percentage of new hires and have a higher retention rate. Leveraging your own employees’ networks is an easy way to find great candidates.

To successfully utilize employee referrals, implement a formal referral program. This could include:

  • Offering employees incentives like cash bonuses, gifts cards or additional paid time off for successful referrals that are hired. This encourages employees to actively refer candidates.
  • Educating employees on the types of roles you are hiring for and the skills and qualifications candidates should have. The more employees understand your hiring needs, the more effective their referrals will be.
  • Making the referral and application process simple. Have employees submit referrals through your HR portal or applicant tracking system and be sure candidates can easily apply for roles. Difficult processes will deter referrals.
  • Providing feedback and updates to referring employees on the status of candidates. Let them know when you have contacted, interviewed or hired the candidate they referred. This helps them understand the impact of their referral and motivates future referrals.
  • Recognizing and rewarding employees for their time and efforts in referring candidates, even if the candidate is ultimately not hired. A small gesture of thanks goes a long way in building an ongoing referral culture.

Leveraging your professional network through employee referrals is a highly effective way to find talented candidates for hard to fill roles. Put in the work to build a comprehensive referral program and you'll gain access to a new stream of candidates, likely with a higher chance of success and retention. An investment in employees leads to their investment in your recruiting success.

Partner With Local Colleges and Universities

Partnering with local colleges and universities is an innovative way to find new talent. Students who are about to graduate or have recently graduated are eager to find jobs in their field of study and are often up to date with the latest hard and soft skills that would benefit your company.

Building relationships with department heads, professors, and campus career centers at nearby schools is an effective approach. Ask if you can promote your job openings to students, visit classrooms to give presentations about your company and industry, or sponsor networking and recruiting events. Some schools may offer internship or cooperative education programs where students gain real-world experience. Interacting with students through these programs allows you to evaluate potential candidates firsthand.

Posting positions on the schools’ job boards, alumni networks, and student organizations related to your industry are additional options to consider. Be sure to highlight the opportunities for professional development, mentorship, and career growth your company provides. Recent graduates want to work for organizations that will invest in them and help them strengthen their abilities.

Partnering with educational institutions in your local area is a win-win for both parties. Students and recent graduates gain access to employment prospects, while you are able to connect with qualified candidates who have the latest theoretical and practical knowledge in your field. Building these mutually beneficial relationships is an innovative way to find new talent and ensures a steady pipeline of candidates with potential for long-term success at your company.

For the best results, start building connections with schools that offer programs related to your key positions. Meet with key faculty and staff, promote your opportunities, and engage with students through internships, events, and presentations. A little time invested in these partnerships can yield significant recruiting success.

Offer Remote or Flexible Work Opportunities

Offering remote or flexible work opportunities is an innovative way to attract top talent. Many candidates today highly value work-life balance and flexibility. According to recent surveys, over 70% of employees say flexible work options are important for work satisfaction and over 50% would switch to jobs that offer it.

As an employer, providing flexible work arrangements allows you to tap into a wider talent pool unrestricted by location. You can hire the best candidates regardless of where they live. Remote employees also tend to be self-motivated and able to work independently, skills that are useful for many positions.

There are a few options to consider:

  • Remote work: Employees work from home or another off-site location full-time. This requires oversight to ensure productivity and collaboration. Provide the necessary tools, technology, and management to enable their success.
  • Hybrid remote work: Employees split time between office and remote work. For example, 3 days in office, 2 days remote. This offers more flexibility while still enabling face-to-face interaction.
  • Flexible schedules: Employees have non-traditional work hours, such as starting earlier or working 4 longer days per week. This accommodates work-life needs while having employees onsite during regular business hours.
  • Job sharing: Two part-time employees share the responsibilities of a full-time role. This provides flexibility and work-life balance for employees while ensuring role coverage for the company.

Implementing remote and flexible work policies requires planning to address challenges like communication, technology needs, and performance management. However, the benefits of a wider talent pool, increased employee satisfaction, and lower turnover can make it worth the effort. Providing flexible opportunities is an innovative way to recruit and retain the best candidates in today's competitive market.

Get Referrals From Your Best Employees

Referrals from top employees are invaluable for recruiting success. Your star team members likely have connections to other talented individuals in their network. Ask your top performers for referrals to help fill open roles.

  • Request Quality Referrals

Have a conversation with key employees about the types of roles you need to fill and the experience, skills, and attributes that would make a good candidate. Explain the referral process and any incentives offered. Request that they only refer individuals they think would be an excellent fit for the company culture and role.

  • Offer an Employee Referral Program

To motivate your staff to refer candidates, consider offering a financial bonus or reward if a referred hire is made and stays with the company for a certain period of time, such as 6-12 months. This gives employees an incentive to refer high-quality, long-term candidates. Publicize your employee referral program and any rewards offered on your company intranet and employee newsletter.

  • Fast Track Referred Candidates

Give referred candidates priority in the interview and hiring process. Their applications should be reviewed as soon as possible and they should be contacted for an initial phone screen quickly. This demonstrates to employees that their referrals are valued and helps to build enthusiasm for the referral program. It also allows you to evaluate referred talent before they may be snapped up by another organization.

Following up on employee referrals and offering incentives and rewards for successful hires are strategies that can pay dividends for recruiting top talent. Your staff know the company well and can spot individuals who would excel in your organization. An employee referral program is a win-win, resulting in quality hires and boosting staff morale and loyalty.

Offer Employee Referral Bonuses to Incentivize Referrals

One creative way to recruit top talent is by offering employee referral bonuses. When your own team members recommend stellar candidates they know, it incentivizes them to keep an eye out for high-quality hires.

  • How It Works

Establish a formal employee referral program that provides monetary bonuses for successful hires. For example, offer $1,000-$5,000 for a referral that leads to a hire, paid out once the new employee has been on the job for 3-6 months. The bonus amount will depend on the position and experience level. Promote this program on your internal employee portal or newsletter to raise awareness of the opportunity.

Employees can refer candidates they know from previous jobs, networking, college alumni networks, or social circles. To qualify for the bonus, they submit the candidate's information to the recruiting team. If that person is ultimately hired and stays on for the required period, the referring employee receives the bonus.

  • Benefits

An employee referral program has significant benefits:

  • Higher quality candidates: Employees will only refer those they believe are a great fit for your company culture and role.
  • Improved retention: Candidates referred by employees tend to have a more realistic job preview and higher job satisfaction, leading to longer tenures.
  • Increased diversity: Tapping into employees' networks can surface more diverse candidates than traditional recruiting methods.
  • Cost savings: Employee referrals are an inexpensive source of hires since you can avoid paying expensive recruiter fees.
  • Goodwill: An employee referral program boosts morale and loyalty by rewarding employees for helping achieve key business goals like hiring top talent.

Offering referral bonuses for new hires is an innovative way to gain a recruiting edge. When you incentivize your own employees, you gain an army of talent scouts with a vested interest in finding the best candidates for your organization.

Highlight Your Company Culture and Values

To attract top talent, companies need to highlight what makes their culture and values unique. Candidates today want to work for organizations with a strong, positive culture and values that align with their own.

  • Showcase Your Culture

Promoting your company culture and values on your careers site and social media helps give candidates a sense of your work environment and what you stand for. Share photos and videos of employees engaging in team-building activities or company events. Publish blog posts highlighting your values in action. For example, if innovation is a core value, share stories of how employees have solved problems in new ways.

Discuss your culture and values during the interview process. Explain what they mean to your team and company. Candidates will appreciate the transparency, and it allows them to determine if there is a good fit.

  • Employee Value Proposition

Develop an employee value proposition (EVP) to convey what makes your company an attractive place to work. An EVP highlights the rewards and benefits of working for your organization. It should align with your culture and values. For example, if work-life balance is an important value, include generous paid time off and flexible work options in your EVP.

Share your EVP on your careers page and in job listings. Promote it at recruiting events and during interviews to get candidates excited about the prospect of joining your team. An appealing EVP will make you stand out from competing opportunities.

  • Authenticity

Today’s candidates have a low tolerance for disingenuous recruiting tactics. Your culture and values must ring true for the experience employees and candidates have with your company. If you say you value transparency but share little information about career growth paths or organizational challenges, for example, top talent will see through the façade.

Consistently reflect your culture, values and EVP in all parts of the recruiting process to build authenticity. Candidates will appreciate your honesty and be more likely to join an organization where what you say matches the reality.

Promoting an authentic culture, highlighting your values, and developing an attractive EVP are out-of-the box recruiting strategies that will yield better hires who thrive in your work environment. Candidates will have a clear sense of fit and purpose, leading to higher job satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

Use Gamification in Your Recruiting Process

Gamification uses game elements like rewards, leaderboards, badges, and challenges in a non-game context to motivate and engage people. You can apply gamification techniques to your recruiting process to make the experience more interactive and compelling for candidates.

  • Offer Badges and Rewards

As candidates progress through the stages of your hiring process, offer digital badges or small rewards to recognize their achievements. For example, when a candidate submits an application, completes an assessment, or advances to an interview, send an email with a badge they can share on social media. These small rewards will make the experience feel more engaging and motivate candidates to continue progressing.

  • Create Challenges and Quests

Develop challenges, quests or scavenger hunts for candidates to complete. For example, you might challenge candidates to find and submit the job listing in a creative way or ask them to complete a work simulation. Candidates who complete the challenges feel a sense of accomplishment and are more invested in the role. The challenges also give you another way to evaluate candidates’ skills and fit for the position.

  • Share Progress and Rankings

Let candidates see their progress through the recruiting funnel so they feel a sense of momentum. You might show the percentage of applications received, assessments completed or candidates advanced to the next stage. Seeing their progress will keep candidates engaged and encourage them to continue moving forward. You can also rank candidates on leaderboards to tap into their competitive spirit, as long as the rankings are based on fair criteria.

Gamification is an innovative way to make recruiting more engaging, interactive and data-driven. The key is to apply game elements in a thoughtful way that motivates and rewards candidates for their achievements, participation and progression through your hiring process. When implemented well, gamification can lead to better candidate experiences, higher quality applicants and improved hiring success.

Think Outside the Box to Source More Candidates

To find strong candidates in today’s competitive job market, you need to source talent from unconventional places. Thinking outside the traditional recruiting box can uncover hidden gems that other companies may miss.

  • Expand Your Search to Niche Sites

Don’t limit yourself to major job boards like Indeed, Monster or CareerBuilder. Niche sites that cater to specific industries, professions, demographic groups or locations may yield good options. Websites focused on diversity and inclusion are also worth exploring.

  • Tap into Your Network

Let people in your professional network know you have job openings to fill. Make announcements on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and company websites. Email former colleagues, mentors, friends and family and ask them to spread the word. Someone in their network may be the perfect candidate. Offering a referral bonus for successful hires from employee networks is an extra incentive.

  • Search Places of Interest

Think about locations where your target candidates spend time. If you’re hiring engineers or IT professionals, scout local tech meetups, hackathons or makerspaces. For creative roles, check art schools, design agencies and coworking spaces. Strike up conversations, build connections and look for standout individuals who may be open to new opportunities.

  • College Recruiting

Develop relationships with professors and career centers at colleges and universities that offer degrees or certifications in your field. Ask if you can give a guest lecture, participate in a career day or mentor students. These activities raise your company’s visibility and allow you to identify promising up-and-coming talent before they enter the job market. Offering internships, co-op programs or entry-level positions are other ways to recruit new grads.

Sourcing candidates from unconventional places requires time and effort but can lead to amazing hires. With an open and creative mindset, you’ll discover new ways to find the talent you need to drive business success. Thinking outside the traditional recruiting box is a strategy that yields results.

Final Thoughts About Out of The Box Recruiting Strategies

In a competitive job market, you need to get creative to find and attract the best talent. Don’t let your recruiting and hiring practices get stale or you’ll be left with lackluster candidates and high turnover. By implementing a few outside-the-box recruiting strategies, you’ll open yourself up to a whole new pool of candidates and build an innovative company culture that values creativity.

While traditional methods have their place, mixing in some unconventional techniques will lead to hiring success and a team of forward-thinking employees. The key is to take risks, think differently, and not be afraid to try new approaches. With an open mind and willingness to experiment, you’ll gain a recruiting edge and find the talent to take your company to the next level.

Out of the Box Recruiting Strategies FAQs

Out of the box recruiting strategies are unconventional methods that progressive companies are using to attract top talent. Going beyond the traditional job posting and interview process, these innovative tactics can uncover ideal candidates who may not even be actively job searching. Here are some frequently asked questions about out of the box recruiting strategies:

What are out-of-the-box recruiting strategies?

Out-of-the-box recruiting strategies refer to innovative and unconventional approaches used to attract and hire top talent. These strategies go beyond traditional methods and aim to stand out in a competitive job market.

Why should I consider using out-of-the-box recruiting strategies?

Using out-of-the-box recruiting strategies can give you a competitive edge in attracting and hiring the best candidates. It allows you to tap into new talent pools, showcase your company's unique culture, and differentiate yourself from other employers.

What are some examples of out-of-the-box recruiting strategies?

Some examples of out-of-the-box recruiting strategies include hosting virtual reality job fairs, implementing gamified assessments, leveraging social media influencers for employer branding, using video interviews, and creating interactive career websites.

How can I identify which out-of-the-box recruiting strategies are suitable for my organization?

To identify suitable strategies, start by understanding your target audience and their preferred channels of engagement. Research successful case studies from similar industries and analyze the results they achieved. Experimentation and testing can also help you identify what works best for your organization.

Are out-of-the-box recruiting strategies more effective than traditional methods?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Both out-of-the-box strategies and traditional methods have their pros and cons. It's important to find the right balance and mix of strategies that align with your organization's goals and values.

How can I measure the success of my out-of-the-box recruiting strategies?

Measuring the success of out-of-the-box recruiting strategies can be done by tracking metrics such as the number of qualified applicants, the time-to-hire, the quality of hires, and the cost per hire. Regularly reviewing and analyzing these metrics will help you understand the effectiveness of your strategies.

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